Current projects: Time Echo Projectfilm projects – Joo Peter Studio – Time Echo Press – Cinemate Film Production  



Joo Peter (aka Joachim Peter)

1966  born in Stuttgart, Germany


Art Academy Stuttgart 

Studies of Fine Arts and Graphics


Sculpture Symposium Schorndorf, group exhibition


art exhibitions connected to Art Academy Stuttgart


Essen Theater & Philharmony

set design for „Der Park“ von Botho Strauß, JKT

Lower-Saxony State Theater

set design and costumes for („Der arme Heinrich“ von Hartmud von Aue)

State Theater Westphalia

set design and costumes  for musical („Go to hell, Satan / Fahr zur Hölle, Satan“)

Drama („Der Horatier” by  Heiner Müller)


State Theater Westphalia

set design and costumes for drama „When the wind blows“ by Raymond Briggs (dt. “Glückliche Tage”) 

Relaunch Musical „Go to hell, Satan / Fahr zur Hölle…“


State Theater Bremen

stage design assistent for drama, dance theatre and opera

„Frida Kahlo“ dance theater  by Johann Kresnik

Hochzeit des Figaro, Mozart (Relaunch), Bremen Opera

“Kabale und Liebe”, Friedrich Schiller, drama

“Bunbury”, Oscar Wilde


State Theater Westphalia

set design and costumes for drama („Davids Mutter“)


Dance Theater Ikarus, Klagenfurt, Austria / Carinthia

set design and costumes for  „Maricka“,

choreography Zdravko Haderlap


Dance Theater Ikarus / State Theater Klagenfurt, Austria / Carinthia, co-production 

set design and costumes for dance theater

„Strömung“ , based on the biography of the Austrian writer Ingeborg Bachmann

Choreographie Zdravko Haderlap


German Film Academy Berlin, DFFB

“Memories of Berlin”, author & director of film production by DFFB/ HdK Regieseminar Reinhard Hauff

actors: Teresa Prata, Tilmar Kuhn, director  J. Peter

„Nitendo Mori“ film project, broadcasted by TV station Offener Kanal

“Waves” (S) , video production 1993/94, broadcasted by TV station Offener Kanal

“Off-Galeries in East Berlin”, documentary film production 1994 (R), broadcasted by TV station Offener Kanal

 “Durchreise – das Ende einer Verfolgung”, film co-production TV channel  ORB and film University HFF, set design assistant (director: Thorsten Striegnitz)

lecturer on video editing Volkshochschule Berlin Mitte


University of Arts Berlin (HdK)

projects for  Interflugs  / teaching contract (Kleinlehrvertrag  für Interflugs)


Film University HFF Berlin / Potsdam-Babelsberg (Studies)

Author of Books & Short stories: Die kleine Rettung der Welt /Das unabhängige Herz / Dschungelbuch für Großstadtbewohner


“Auszeit”, dance video production HFF Potsdam

director J. Peter, choreography and dance: Christin Choo, dancer of Ensemble Charlotte Ikeda and student of Pina Bausch

prize-winning festival participations


group exhibition by Film School department of stage design HFF 1997 State government Brandenburg, Potsdam

State TV channel WDR

set design virtual studio  for weekly „Frau TV“, 

State TV channel ARD

set design for weekly  sunday press panel discussion „Presseclub“

State TV channel ORB

film produktion “Herrentorte”, HFF/ORB, director: Aviva Barkhourdarian, set design: J. Peter


Gallery Oberwelt Stuttgart

Transformations – single exhibition 

Gallery Infozone, Paris

“Citoyen mutant”, single exhibition , 20 rue des ecouffes, 75004  Paris M.St.Paul


Off Theater Berlin

Apocalypse Now – Punk Opera / Punk-Oper

author /director / set design: J. Peter

KvU, Berlin Mitte, actors:  Dr. Treznok, Piet Olschewski u.a.


Volksbühne Berlin (State Theater Volksbühne)

cooperation with Christoph Schlingensief and Volksbühne Berlin

video production “Stunde Null – das neue Berlin”  for  “Berliner Republik” by C. Schlingensief, April 1999


Festival  il Coreografo elettronico, Napoli 1999, featuring “Auszeit” dance video, director J. Peter

Prize “Young authors” for  „Auszeit“ (R)

Architecture Film Festival  Berlin (video “Stunde Null – das neue Berlin”)

1999 bis 2000

Theater Graz, State Theater in Styria, Austria

drama series „Schnitzlers  Brain“, stage design assistent 

directors: Johann Kresnik, Christoph Schlingensief ,Martin Kusej, Stephan Kimmig,  stage design: Martin Zehetgruber


Art Academy Stuttgart

Teaching Art (Studies)


Volksbühne Berlin (State Theater) 

Video production „Das neue Berlin“ for drama „Vaterland“ von Frank Castorf


Filmwinter Stuttgart (Internet projects)

Festival International du Film Indépendant Bruxelles, Genre: video dance  “Auszeit”


State Opera Stuttgart / Staatsoper Stuttgart

„Convienze et inconvienze…“, Opera by Donizetti, director: Martin Kusej, stage design: Martin Zehetgruber, assistent J. Peter


State Theater Klagenfurt, Austria 

„Der Sturz“ by Biljana Srbljanović (deutsche Uraufführung)

Stage design and costumes

Theater Arena Berlin

“Stunde Null – das  neue Berlin” 

adaption of “Apocalypse Now – a punk opera / die kleine Punk-Oper”

author & director Joachim Peter, Schauspiel: Ben Becker u.a.

unfinished project



“Masterplan”, theater play about Albert Speer Senior & Junior


lecturer  for Art in Nature „Kunst im Grünen“ in Sonnenhof (Remseck-Aldingen)

Co-founder, program director and lecturer of Art in Nature Youth Art School Oase e.V. (Sonnenhof), concept of periodic programs for two years.

Teaching art in a private school in Stuttgart-Feuerbach

Art Academy Stuttgart

film project “Kleine Rettung der Welt”  

author & director Joo Peter (project in sign language)

2002 /03

Art Academy Stuttgart

assistent for project „Color of Power / Farbe der Macht“ , performance art class of Prof. Michou

2003 -2021

Teaching art and media



novel  series „Josephine“ (tetralogy)



Josephine exhibition presenting the novel series Josephine including graphics, videos, installation,  Gallery Oberwelt, Stuttgart, solo exhibition

Zero Art Gallery, “Why play it again?”, group exhibition


Festival Filmwinter Stuttgart, “Josephine” installation, Videos, drawings & graphics, reading,  performance

BABYlon Berlin exhibition and Manifesto, Gallery Oberwelt in Berlin /Auguststrasse /Gallery Neues Problem, group exhibition

Spirits long term project in Indonesia, photo books Bali  Vol I / Vol II



Württembergischer Kunstverein, annual exhibition group exhibition (project “Josephine”)

Media Space, Wand 5,  Stuttgart, group exhibition (art project about Stuttgart 21)

Spirits – long term project in Indonesia, photo books Bali  Vol I / Vol II

part  I, “distant friends – teman-teman jauh”, Gallery Oberwelt Stuttgart, exhibition

part  II, “distant friends – teman-teman jauh”, Warung Under Mercury, Ubud, exhibition

Jesus prize, group exhibition, Basementizid Heilbronn, December 2011

An die Oberfläche – to the surface , gallery Oberwelt Stuttgart, group exhibition



Walpoden Academy, Mainz, performance “Josephine”  & group exhibition

UND # 8, international art ferry for Off-galleries and independent art groups, Karlsruhe

Plemplem gallery, Heilbronn, Salzstrasse, group exhibition

Poly Gallery Karlsruhe –  1. internationale Partizipationale

2011 / 2012

Circle of Life  – One Year in Asia

India, Nepal, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia


Friendly fire, group exhibition Karlskaserne Ludwigsburg


Das Urteil – Franz Kafka – group exhibition, Galerie Oberwelt Stuttgart

Welten – media project in Asia

Green Yeti – media project


Charisma – long term photo project in Asia, solo exhibition Kulturhaus Mühle in Weinsberg

“Teman-Teman Saya” – documentary films about artists in Bali (founded 2014),, 


Über Leben  (engl. Survive, about Life) long term project in Kuba

Charisma – solo exhibition, Kulturhaus Scheune – Weissach im Tal

Green School – documentary film, Bali -Indonesia

Time Echo – Zeitsprünge Start of long-term-project in Heilbronn


Ogoh -Ogoh – monsters of Bali, photo exhibition and lecture  – Kulturhaus Scheune Weissach im Tal

Zeitsprünge Heilbronn (long term project)

Time Echo publishing company (founded 2016)

Cosmic Beachcomber Media Project (Asia media project)


History Project Time Echo /Zeitsprünge 

solo exhibition and lecture Inselspitze Heilbronn  “Zeitsprünge Heilbronn”

Book “Zeitsprünge Heilbronn“

Cinemate Film Production (founded 2017)


 Zeitensprünge & Weltensprüngesolo exhibition , Kulturhaus Zigarre Heilbronn

Book “Mut zur Erinnerung”

writing for Hanix Magazine 

One year in Asia – second long term stay in Asia including Malaysia,  Hongkong, Indonesia (Flores, Sumba, Sumatra, Java, Bali)

Anak-Anak Barong  – short film about children incarnating animistic supreme god  Barong in – Galungan -Kuningan days


Film projects

Thaipusam (Malaysia)

Ogoh Ogoh Bali Monster (Bali)

Pasola – battle on holy ground (Sumba, Indonesia)

International Indigenous Film Festival, Ubud, Bali (short films in special screening)

 “Muster der Macht” (engl. Pattern of Power),  group exhibition, Galerie Oberwelt, Stuttgart

Lecture on Nazi Looted Art in South West Germany, Galerie Oberwelt Stuttgart

Photo reportages  for China Morning Post, Live Encounters, Hanix Magazine 

Book “Täter, Helfer, Trittbrettfahrer”, Band 10, Hrsg. Proske, chapter on  Karl Epting


New York Times – featured with Time Echo Project on Nazi looted art in the Metropolitan Museum New York

Mentawai – Souls of the Forest (Trailer), long term film project

Article for Hanix Magazine on Housing and architecture in Heilbronn


Time Echo Project in Temporary Artist Utopia Tool (Taut) Wagenhallen e.V.  Stuttgart, 

including presentation and  lecture “Documenta und Nationalsozialismus: der Fall Kurt Martin”

BookAnpassung und Widerstand, Heilbronner Portraits aus zwei Jahrhunderten, Provinz als Weltbühne


Thaipusam   short film

Award Winner – Best Documentary Short Film

 Vindhya International Film Festival Madhya Pradesh 2021 Award Winner

Uruvatti International Film Festival, India 2021 Award Winner

Aiyan Film Awards, India 2021 Award Winner

Golden Eagle Film Festival, South Tamil Nadu India 2021 Award Winner

Award Winner Bronze

One Earth Film Festival, India, Best Documentary Short Film  2021

Special Jury Award

Golden Leaf International Film Festival India 2021

Indo-Singapore Film Festival 2021

Golden Eagle Film Festival, South Tamil Nadu India 2021

Special Mention Award

 Cambodia Independent Film Festival 2021

Official Selection

 Muestra Intergaláctica de Cine, Mexico 2021

Bahia International Film Festival, Brazil 2021

 Festival di Cinema de Cefalù, Italy 2021

 Kerala Short Film Festival, India 2021

Golden Short Film, Rome, Italy 2021   

Paradise Film Festival, Budapest, Hungary 2021

Rome Prisma Awards, Italy 2021

Special Screening

 Indigenous Film Festival Bali 2021

Pasola – battle on holy ground

Best Documentary Short Film – International Film Festival of Andaman and Nicobar (IFFAN) 2021

Best Trailer FICIMAD Film Festival Madrid 2021

Official Selection

Asia South East-Short Film Festival 2021 (WWCSF)  

Goethe Center Meta House Phnom Phen, Cambodia January 8th

Lisbon Film Rendevouz, Portugal 2021

Corti di Mare, Italy 2021

ARFF Film Festival Barcelona 2021

Festival Mundial de Cine Veracruz, Mexico 2021

Special Screening

Indigenous Film Festival Bali

Mentawai Trailer – Official Selection

Biophilia Film Festival Mexico 2021

Kalimantan International Indigenous Film Festival, Indonesia 2021

8th edition Goa Short Film Festival 2021

Film for the Forest, Austin, Texas, USA, 2022

ARFF Paris (semi-finalist Best Trailer)

Special Screening

International Indigenous Film Festival Bali, Indonesia 2021


Mentwai Souls of the Forest

Feature documentary 55 Min , 4K , Indonesia Germany 2022

Special Prize of the Jury, International Film Festival Bali 2022


Pasola – battle on holy ground


 Gold Winner – Toyko Film Awards – Short Documentary 2022

Best Documentary Short Film  Uruvatti International Film Festival, India 2022

Official Selection

One Earth Awards 2022

Dili International Film Festival East Timor 2022

Publishing in major German newspapers (Berliner Zeitung, Stuttgarter Zeitung) on Nazi looted Art

exhibition and  lecture “Documenta und Nationalsozialismus: der Fall Kurt Martin”, Galerie Oberwelt


Thaipusam  – short film

Award Winner – Best Documentary Short Film

 Gold Medal – South East Asia Short Film Festival Phnom Phen Cambodia 2022

FICIMAD Film Festival Madrid, Micro Short Documentary 2022 Award Winner

Official Selection

 Short to the Point Film Festival  Bucarest 2022

International Multicultural Film Festival Melbourne 2022

KKIFF Cinebalu Malaysia Sarawak, Borneo 2022

Intimalente XIII Edizione 2022, Ethnographic Film Festival, Caserta, Italy 



Mentwai Souls of the Forest

Feature documentary 55 Min , 4K , Indonesia Germany 2022 German cinema premiere

Thaipusam short film

7th Jaipur Film Festival 202

Joo Peter, Arnolstr. 21, 70378 Stuttgart, contact (at)